
Top 10 Things Learned, First "Mama-versary" for Russia Adoption Family

Last year on this date we arrived home with Delaney! What an incredible year with an incredible baby girl! Within about 30 minutes of being home, she had toys and shoes everywhere, tried to open the kitchen cabinets, hugged/tugged the cat, re-programmed the remote and made herself right at home. I can't imagine life before she came!

To those of you waiting...your adoption will happen and you will be with child soon!

Top Ten Things I Have Learned as a Mom ~ Year One
  1. Anything you SAY can and will be repeated.
  2. Baby proofing? HA!
  3. Any toy or object can and will be used as something other than its original purpose.
  4. Cats don't like to drink from a sippy cup.
  5. Anything you DO can and will be repeated!
  6. Two year olds like to lock doors.
  7. Every word to every Wiggles song, every word to every Ralph song, the entire Sound of Music score, the entire score to Mary Poppins, every note to the Jeopardy theme, and all the words to Three Dog Night's "Joy to the World".
  8. Broccoli has excellent trajectory.
  9. A bath can bide you enough time to make a phone call and/or have a glass of wine!
  10. No matter how it is said, whined, shouted, screamed, yelled, whimpered, whispered...."Mommy" is the sweetest word in the world!!!
--Cynthia Ramsel, CA

(Left) One year after Delaney became Cynthia's daughter through Children's Hope International adoption, they celebrated their "Gotcha Day" with swimming at a kids-only water park. Afterwards, Cynthia gave her this turtle sandbox gift. It was a huge hit!