Things are starting to level off at the Cramer house. The boys have adjusted wonderfully and were back on their orphanage schedule within five days of their arrival. The only real stressful part still is meal time. Food still freaks them out. Sometimes it's peaceful, and other times (like today at lunch), it's rather high pitched. Amazingly, they are already using the potty (when I put them on it, because they can't walk yet or tell me when they have to go). At nap time, they put their heads down immediately (I mean IMMEDIATELY) when we put the pacifier in their mouths. They dance at the start of almost any sound, including the power drill and Bruce pounding on the piano (he doesn’t know how to play).
They already know how to do "high five", clap when I yell "YEAH!", and they understand “no-no” pretty well, too. Everyday it gets better. You should see how cute they play together. It is as if they have a dimension of their own that no one else can see.
--The Cramer's, MN