Lucas will be 8-months-old tomorrow. We’ve been home from Vietnam for three months and I can’t remember what life was like without him. He has two teeth and is growing like a weed. He’s right around 20 lbs. and was in the 95th percentile for height when we were last at the doctor. He sits up well and acts like he wants to move forward. And to top it off, he normally sleeps through the night.
He is just the best baby ever. He smiles most of the time and if he’s upset, there’s usually a reason. The entire family just adores him. Nana and Grandad barely go a day without seeing him. He loves music and is especially happy when we sing and dance with him.
I’m so happy that I hope to be able to adopt again. Lucas is going to need a sibling or he’s going to be way too spoiled. Hopefully, I can start the process again next year.
Thank you for all your help with his adoption. It was the biggest, most stressful thing I’ve ever done. And it’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever done, too!
I hope things are going well with all the referrals and adoptions in process now. It’s hard to believe the miracles you work with every day. It’s more amazing than I could have imagined.
Mindee and Lucas Miller, IL